with Mikko Heikkilä on Nov 15, 2007

‘Seven Sins a Second’ is your second album, I listened the album several times and get caught by the songs more and more. I took the opportunity to ask some questions to Mikka.
  Could you introduce Sinamore and try to describe the kind of music that you play?
Hello there and I’m really glad to hear that from you. Okay… So, we are Finnish metal band which is gathered by four members; I, Mikko Heikkilä (guitar and vocals, Tommi Muhli (guitar), Jarno Uski (bass) and Miika Hostikka (drums). We started in the end of year 1998… quite a long time ago. We have recorded five demos and two albums, the latest one Seven Sins A Second included. Music style is something like melancholic, memorable melodies mixed with crushing guitar sounds, not forgetting bright clean guitars and hard burned clean vocals.

Could you define in five words where the band stands for?
Sorry, but we only need a one word. Friendship.

Who inspired you to play music, and why?
When I was somewhere in age of thirteen, first time I heard Metallica´s ‘Black’ album. It was like; wow!!, what the f%#”# is that. That moment never forget. Then two years after my parents bought me an acoustic guitar and I was also interested bands like W.A.S.P, Twisted Sister and Iron Maiden, that usual “old-school” stuff. I started just to spend some time and for fun.

Who would you name as your influences?
Actually I don´t wanna name any band or artist, but if I have to, I would say Paradise Lost is one of my favourites. Not on my play list at the moment, but I like dark waves on a dark ocean. If you know what I mean. Mostly I’m inspired by my own life; seasons of depression, relations with other people and their suffer, and fatal consequences. I think those are the most important things and feelings for writing songs.

  Can you tell me about the writing process? Are the songs the result of the whole band or is someone especially responsible for the writing process?
have written all the songs so far. First I start to repeat melodies in my head and after I try to compose that same thing/ riff with guitar. Then, in rehearsals I play those my things for the others and together we have used to do the final arrangements.

  The music is some depressive, what are songs about?
Like I said earlier, personally I mostly like depressive things. I like to write unhappy feelings, losses, yearning… everything that kind of. Also relationships, but not love songs. Maybe on our first album you could hear something likely, but it have changed… I have changed and our music have changed if you compare these second and the first albums.

The songs ‘The Burning Flame’ (aggressive and fast) and ‘Eyes of May’ (slow down and full of drama) are quite opposite? Is this characteristic for Sinamore? Which one you like best?
Yes it is, and I´m happy for that. In both of songs have their great moments. I like The Burning Frame, but in the end of song Eyes Of May, there are the best part of the whole album… That´s pretty weird ´cause in this style of music it’s really hard to find away and create fast songs. You have to always be concentrated on clean vocals and I think it´s more challenging than if you could use the growls…But in The Burning Frame it really works, yeah!

What’s your personal favorite on the new album and which track didn’t turn out quite as you’d expected it to be?
The Burning Frame. That was a great success for all of us. Good riffs and great melodies with evil lady which sounds beautiful…very rough touch on it too… nam nam. ‘Everything Ends’ was better when we recorded it on demo sessions. Or that´s what I think.

What does the artwork show and what should it express?
The album name fits perfectly with our band “character”. That dial on a background describes the time and how many frightful things we people do in these days in a short time without even noticing that. And how sad it is, it´s getting worst and worst every day.

  How did you get in contact with Napalm Records?
We were signed with a small Japanese label first. Things totally went upside down and we cancelled the deal. Then we made five songs promo cd to catch a new deal and Napalm Records did show their interest. There was like twenty different places where we sent those cds.

  Can you make a living of Sinamore?
Heh, heh… not yet, but I hope and I know that in a future we will.

  What is the biggest compliment you read concerning your latest album and what is the biggest bullocks?
That we have grown up as a band and we have talents to show much more in a future. I´ve read many great reviews but the one was like; no thanks, 10/100. Maybe the best I´ve ever seen : ) Kind of funny…

  What is the most overestimated band in the scene, which band is most underestimated?
I don´t like to do so, but there are many good bands without a record deal.

Please finish these centenses:
2007 is going to be the year of Sinamore because...

we have just released our latest kick ass album and we are ready to show it to the world!!!

It’s my ultimate goal to…

make our living with music. I would be very lucky if there was a change to make it rest of my life. Without loosing sources of inspiration.

If you had 100.000 euro to spare for the band, where would you spend it on?
At first I would pay our next album. Then I would pay us to support some bigger band on their world tour. Also it would be nice to build homestudio with good equipments.

In which way does your new album surpass the previous releases?
In every way. Generally speaking, the whole recording session was much easier than the first one. Less tears and sweat drops… Songs are better composed, lyrics are much deeper and secretive.

  You are in the music business for quite some time now. How do you think the scene has changed over the years?
This music business have changed so much comparing what it used to be like ten years ago. Then it was amazing if you got a deal somehow, but in these days there are so many small companies which can release albums with small expenses, and distributing is not a problem. But is the music in itself as high quality as it used to be? I think it´s not.

  If you had to chose between supporting a band in front of a crowd of 5000 or headlining a show with just 250 people?
Easy way to answer that. That´s not most important to be a headliner. I choose the supporting, if there really would be 5000 people. It´s really important that you can play the show for new people and get more fans and new listeners.

Thank you! Best wishes from Finland.

(Ralph Vermeere)

© Nov 15, 2007, viewed 7947 times since 666